Our TheraLight 360 full-body light therapy system is designed to elevate your wellness to a whole new level.
The Healing Power of Light
Tired of feeling tired? Frustrated by lack of sleep? Aggravated by those nagging aches and pains?
Say hello to a healthier, more balanced life ... say hello to the TheraLight 360, the most advanced full-body light therapy system on the market. We are pleased to offer this groundbreaking therapy option to our clients.
How does the TheraLight 360 work?
The primary mechanism of the TheraLight 360 is photobiomodulation (PBM), which uses carefully calibrated infrared light waves to “bathe” the body with therapeutic light, stimulating cell regeneration and enhancing tissue repair. Extensive studies have demonstrated that PBM therapy can deliver profound therapeutic benefits such as:
• Expedited healing times
• Tissue strengthening
• Increased blood flow
• Enhanced immune response
• Reduced anxiety
• Improved sleep patterns
What are the benefits of the TheraLight 360?
TheraLight 360 full-body light therapy has been clinically proven to not only reduce pain and inflammation, but to deliver therapeutic effects towards the symptoms associated with:
• Arthritis
• Low energy levels
• Tendinopathies
• Nerve regeneration
• Nerve pain
• Musculoskeletal pain
• Soft tissue healing
• Anxiety and depression
• Sleep disturbances
• Many other conditions
TheraLight 360 full-body light therapy is a totally pain-free treatment that does NOT require the use of drugs or surgery ... and there are NO dangerous side effects or risks. TheraLight 360 full-body light therapy also delivers positive outcomes more quickly than other treatment modalities.
BREAK FREE from pain and inflammation
Whether you’re a weekend warrior or a world-class athlete, studies have shown PBM Therapy to be an effective adjunct to any fitness regimen. Trusted by athletes and amateurs alike, the TheraLight 360 is designed to benefit anyone committed to taking their personal fitness to the next level. Even after your first session, you’ll begin to feel better, perform better and live better!